
social, health, political imagery through the lens of G J Huba PhD © 2012-2021

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A powerful set of tools for journaling are those that create visualizations depicting data, ideas, facts, research, news, evaluations, comments, polls, opinions, feelings, planning, communications, and models of many things. And any other things you can visualize.

Visual data of varying types can be visualized as graphs, diagrams, doodles, models, mind maps, sketchnotes, images, and infographics along with many other types of visual displays.

Visual thinking is underused by those who need to understand and synthesize information for themselves and others. Such methods should be taught and used throughout our educational systems.

Click on the image below to expand it.

At a time when everything is hard and numbing and overwhelming and anxiety-provoking and terrifying, it is important not to ignore people and things we can forget.

Here’s my list. If I missed anyone, please forgive my omission. My memory is not what it used to be.

Please click and double-click and triple-click the image to selectively increase the size.

Too much of the same Deja vu all over again. Too many hours each day. Too many days with the same structure and flow. Waiting for Groundhog Day to end.

It’s all part of COVID-19 pandemic fatigue. Death count every morning. The same news ever day — Trump is stupid again, Congress members are trying to eat each other, valued members of our society no longer have jobs and their children do not have enough food, there is no end to huge numbers of death every day, Trump pronounces daily that he has done a terrific job.

Makes your thinking dull and your emotional responses muted.

I love America, the way it was in the good old days of January when we barely knew what COVID-19 was.

Every time I think Trump cannot exceed himself in stupidity, meanness, cruelty, sadism, and lying, he comes roaring back and gets stupider, meaner, crueler, more sadistic, and more dishonest.

Trump’s adoption of a herd immunity model is being widely criticized by virtually every infectious disease expert who comments in television and print interviews. Virtually everyone predicts a number between 2 million and 6 million deaths from the strategy.

Herd immunity is social Darwinism, a policy adopted by many totalitarian governments.The “strongest” win, the “weakest” disappear into the trash can of of history. Social Darwinism is the antithesis of the American traditions I learned as a child from adults and religion.

Click on the image to expand it.

Pandemic Burn-out. Virtually all of us have some version of this. COVID-19 has been unrelented in its impact up our psychological functions at the same time those have become infected by it have experienced many physical symptoms. Our worst pandemic in a century. An overwhelming burden.

Click on the mind map to expand the list of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors you probably experience daily.