
social, health, political imagery through the lens of G J Huba PhD © 2012-2021

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Simply put, Donald Trump has been waging a biological war against the residents of the United States (and the war) for all of 2020. Or, if you prefer, you can call the same behaviors a fundamental lack of understanding science combined with a distrust of public health experts and misguided priorities made because of conflicts in interest between what is best for the world (minimizing the effects of the coronavirus pandemic) and the financial and electoral benefits to the President and his family.

President Trump did not inform us of the arrival of a deadly virus into the United States until two months after our Intelligence Community confirmed it existed in China and was deadly. Our public health and medical communities knew it would be extremely deadly unless the Federal government took immediate and decisive action. Some of the best medical and public health professionals told President Trump that he needed to take immediate action and that if he did so a huge number of Americans and residents of other countries could be saved from COVID-19 infection. He did not acknowledge the coronavirus until two months later. He was, however, dumb enough to tell Bob Woodward in a telephone interview being recorded that he was lying to the world’s people.

Trump did not use our national stockpile of medical supplies in a fair and equitable way for all 50 states, instead pitting what he called “red” and “blue” states against each other. In the USA, maps color states that typically vote Republican as red, and use blue for the majority Democratic voter states. Trump continues to contend that blue states should not receive federal assistance. [In response I have been informed by a reliable source in the Office of the Creator that 97% of the founders of the USA are rolling around in their graves after being informed of Trump’s comments and the remaining 3% have been re-assigned to hell.]

Trump is still telling American residents that he did a great job managing a fight against the invading coronavirus. Today (9/21/20) he gave himself an A+ for his handling of the coronavirus at his press conference. Instead of telling the truth, he continues to lie to the public, refuses to use our federal tax dollars to pay for medical and social services, denies that the virus existed and later that it got out of control, and refused to listen to medical, public health, and logistical experts.

Trump has many tools and weapons to protect us from the invading virus. Instead, he allows it to attack us. Through negligence Trump allowed the virus to kill more than 200,000 of our citizens through September 21, 2020. Current projections include a worst-case scenario of 600,000 dead Americans by January 1, 2021.

I consider Trump’s actions to be biological warfare against the people of the USA and secondarily the rest of the world. I also consider his handling of the COVID pandemic to be criminal, impeachable, and morally reprehensible. If your views are not the same as mine you can call him incompetent, stupid, a liar, and unwilling to consult experts. Either way, there are still 200,000 (most needlessly) dead confirmed and probably many more not identified accurately as COVID-19 victims on their death records. If Trump continues as he has been in not dealing with COVID effectively, another 400,000 could die before the end of the year.

Click on the images to expand their size.



Trump never wears a simple cloth face mask that dramatically cuts the likelihood that others will contract COVID-19 from him when he is in public places.


Trump was repeatedly asked to wear a mask to model behavior that could have saved tens of thousands of lives. He refused to do so in public because (as reported widely in the media) he felt that it would make him look weak. 

Then he broke down and wore a mask two times for photo opportunities.

He returned to refusing to wear a mask at large events, often without social distancing. To the time of this writing, he has repeatedly screamed at his followers during his political pep rallies that masks are not really needed.

I just lived for the past six months in “stay-at-home” conditions because of the COVID pandemic. I also am living with dementia and my residence is a health-care living complex regulated by the State of North Carolina.

As usual, I developed a mind map over the past few weeks to summarize what the issues were (are) in dealing with both of these “problems” at the same time.

Most of the information is best explained by the mind map below because it shows, in a summary fashion, what it meant to deal with the pandemic. Here are some bullets to cover things.

  1. The condominium building I live within has 18 units with either or two occupants. There is a trash pickup a few times per day. The units each have one or two bedrooms and several bathrooms, a small kitchen, a living room, and a very large number of windows in units.
  2. During the last six months, everyone was in a quasi-lockdown condition with residents asked to not leave the large campus with lots of green space and several dozen buildings and about 50 single or duplex homes. No visitors were allowed inside buildings and the social interactions I had were with family members sitting on chairs I would bring downstairs to the grass where we would sit 12-20 feet apart, eat bag lunches together, talk.
  3. Most weeks residents were encouraged to stay in their units and to only go out to get the mail or exercise in a socially distanced way. One meal per day per resident usually served in a communal dining room was delivered to each of the homes. Most of the time residents used grocery delivery services and online stores like Amazon. Most prescriptions were delivered by mail or picked up at a local pharmacy where you could call and pay and they would set your prescriptions outside when you arrived for you to pick up.
  4. The complex of about 400 persons has had no cases of coronavirus among residents and five cases among staff members. A related small residential intensive medical building has had two positive cases of coronavirus.
  5. Within my building, I am the youngest resident (at 69) and most of the other residents are in their late 70s or 80s with all still fairly mobile. I have not talked for more than 5 minutes to other residents in a day. One thing that I have observed is that most of my fellow residents cannot maintain social distancing because of cognitive difficulties or lifestyle issues like their cultural norms, poor hearing, and loneliness.
  6. I have also observed that I am probably the only resident of my building taking advantage of bringing chairs out to the lawn and sitting far apart from 1-2 visitors at a time.
  7. I often (more than half of the time) do not formally see other people in a day; our interactions are limited to my identifying them from the door peephole and conversations through an unopened door.
  8. I love Facetime. My whole family uses it and I log many hours each week on it with family. My goal is to increase my use of it or another video call app with friends.
  9. I have canceled several medical appointments that were not urgent. I am waiting until the virus is under more control before getting cataract surgery in both eyes. I had one online (voice only) appointment with a neurologist I see for cognitive issues. I recently had a video appointment with another neurologist I see for movement symptoms and overall management of neurological issues.
  10. The two online appointments (one each with two different neurologists I consult with every six months that I had worked well The video format was much more effective than the audio-only one I had early in the pandemic before video equipment had been installed in the offices of the Neurology Department.
  11. When I had my appointment with the movement disorders expert, I found that we could accomplish much of what we did in an in-person visit. For instance, I adjusted my video camera a little and then walked up and down the hall for her to observe in the same way she had done for 10 years at her office. I help my hands up to the camera so that she could look at tremors and movement acuity. Surprisingly, I also found the interactions with a doctor I have worked with for years to be as relaxed and thorough as those I experience in person.
  12. As someone who had early-onset dementia and neurodegeneration diagnosed before I was 60, I have watched myself decline in functioning level for a decade. Over that decade, the level of the decline from year to year was fairly constant although getting a little faster as I got older as would be expected. During the pandemic, my rate of cognitive decline as been dramatically greater.

Click the mind map to expand it.


Sections of the mind map. Same map as above.


Donald Trump and his grumpy band of trolls have ruined more parts of the US government’s infrastructure than I ever thought was possible.

The carnage they created in 3.5 years would typically take your regular incompetent president at least 35 years to “accomplish.”

A small review of the low points since January 2017.

Click on the mind map to expand it.