
social, health, political imagery through the lens of G J Huba PhD © 2012-2021

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Trumpgate is now running at full speed.

Will Trump EVER stop tweeting?

Will Trump EVER stop lying on Fox TV?

Will even one of the senior Republican elected officials in the United States come out and state how dire the situation is?

Will even one of the senior officials in the religious organization supporting Trump finally come out and state that Trump’s behavior has been immoral?

Where’s the org chart for the Trump crime family?

Where’s the org chart for the Putin crime family? How are the two families interlinked?

Which of the positions in the Trump administration are filled by Russian spies?

When will the overall US Government take the US nuclear codes away from Trump?

by George J Huba PhD (Psychology)

Have dementia? It makes no sense to obsessively ruminate about what you have lost.

It makes a lot of sense to focus on now and then try to maximize your quality of life.

Focus not on what you lost but rather on what you have left and how to maximize how you can have the best quality of life possible. That’s how a deal with cognitive decline.

As dementia has progressed for me, apathy has become a bigger concern as the disease progresses.

Something needs to be done now? Chill dude.

Ask someone else to do something to help you? Happens more and more each day.

Just don’t care about deadlines? Yup.

You need to try to deal with apathy early and later in the course of dementia.

Apathy is a trap.

If you become apathetic, you anger your family and friends and others who can help you.

If you become apathetic, you can miss many important and enjoyable parts of life.

If you become apathetic, you can feel helpless and hopeless.

If you become apathetic, your remaining life can be depressing and limited.

If you become apathetic, your quality of life and that of your family and friends can be adversely affected.

Click the mind map below to expand its size.

dementia? now deal with ...

by George J Huba PhD (Psychologist)

Dementia is not just MEMORY LOSS. In fact, certain manifestations of dementia do not involve significant memory loss.

Virtually all forms of dementia include significant psychiatric symptoms. I certainly experience them.

If your doctor is not prescribing psychiatric medications for depression, anxiety, and anger ask why not.

If psychiatric medications you have been prescribed are not working, ask your doctor, why and if it might be useful to consult with a psychiatric medicine specialist, especially one for those with the brain changes of someone with dementia.

A mind map of some of the issues. Click the image to expand it.

Medications for Anger and Depression During Dementia

by George J Huba PhD (Psychology)

This weekend the American Psychological Association is meeting in San Francisco. While certainly not exclusively so, the meeting tends to be dedicated to the presentation of fairly trivial and limited scope, poorly designed research studies.

Psychology should be embarrassed that the focus of the meeting is not developing new and better ways of addressing psychological problems. For instance, I have dementia. So do many millions of people worldwide. At this psychological meeting, there is little focus on actually improving the lives of persons with dementia. The same is true for many other psychological disorders.

How has psychology failed persons with dementia? The following mind map presents my assessment of the situation.

Why does psychology fail persons with dementia? I believe it is because the field wants to pretend it is a science of the rigor of biology and physics, rather than focusing on becoming an evidence-based way of developing better ways of patient assessment, screening, treatment, and communication. What a waste. And remember that I am a person with degenerative cognitive and behavioral disease and I get it. Shame on psychology.

Click the image to expand it.