
social, health, political imagery through the lens of G J Huba PhD © 2012-2021

On the one end of the scale there is continued communication with family, friends, your own doctors and nurses, social agencies, and your religious congregation and various news services that send out alerts. The angels sing.

On the other hand, there is SPAM. Tons of it. Fraud. Get rich quick scams. Identify theft. Porn. Violence. Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton. Requests for cash for just about every fraudulent charity you can think of. Fake home improvement services. Fake churches. Fake food for fake children. Many of these people are flirting with unpleasant consequences.

Bad people target vulnerable people via email. People with dementia are vulnerable no matter how they look or talk or interact. They tend to trust too much, get distracted by clutter, waste time, and be more sensitive to others in need.

The situation. Some suggested solutions. Get the spam and other filters on the email and make sure they stay there. Greatly limit the amount of email that comes in.

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