
social, health, political imagery through the lens of G J Huba PhD © 2012-2021

TEN doctors (called prominent in media reports without naming who they were) called upon Columbia School of Medicine to terminate Dr Oz, the host of a day-time medical television show, from the faculty of Columbia University.

TEN physicians, not 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 want him removed.

TEN physicians, not an established medical organization governing members’ ethics, want Dr Oz removed.

TEN physicians, not a state licensing board, want Dr Oz removed.

This article includes a copy of the original email to Columbia from the 10 prominent physicians. This is the only article I could find that included a list of all 10 physicians who want Dr Oz removed.

I am not sure I would consider the vast majority of the physicians who signed this letter to be “prominent.” In fact, I would question the credentials and motivations of all before categorizing anyone as “prominent” or alternately “not qualified to judge.”

I do not like Dr Oz as a television personality. I wish he was not on TV making the recommendations he does. I wish his television show would be cancelled.

BUT, I am not a physician. My opinion is not valid in legal cases. My opinion is not valid in de-licensure or censure hearings. My opinion should not be considered as valid for determining whether Dr Oz belongs on the Columbia medical faulty or not.

At this point, it is not clear to me whether the 10 individuals who signed an EMAIL are qualified to judge his television program to be “quackery.” If so, their complaints are more properly made to licensing boards and professional associations that could issue rulings that would limit or eliminate his ability to provide medical services.

I strongly believe “media” medicine, psychology, etc., should be under continuous monitoring by professional associations and licensing boards.

I personally do not like Dr Oz’s programmatic content (and I dislike the grandstanding and overly directive Dr Phil even more). I wish they would go away and Oprah would stop milking human misery for more and more $s by producing television shows like these. I cannot make a case that there is professional justification for the shows.

BUT, 10 individuals with training in the same discipline as Dr Oz should not be able “shut him down” without review by impartial licensing and professional boards.

Stop giving the man a “trial by media circus.” If warranted, make him accountable to licensure boards and professional associations. If the governing bodies think Dr Oz is a quack, get him off the air. If not, if Oprah keeps him on the air, I will keep calling Dr Oz a Bozo and worse but I would not say he is unqualified to practice medicine if the licensing and professional groups do not conclude he is unqualified.

What the public deserves is a well-regulated and responsible healthcare industry. This is achieved through thoughtful regulation and not through new incarnations of the Salem Witch Trials.



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