
social, health, political imagery through the lens of G J Huba PhD © 2012-2021

Posts tagged creativity

Sending out a graphic and colorful SIMPLE visual agenda by email really helps a conference call move along and keep the big picture in sight.

Keeping the map simple allows individual participants to take their notes by making additional (sub-)branches. Try it. Works!

[People spend less time on their end of the speaker phones reading email and cleaning their desks and more time actually thinking creatively.]

An example. Click image to expand.

Goals Meeting

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I am disappointed in the mind maps in your new book. They do not explain, summarize, teach, or aid retention.

Here are a few suggestions.

Your political supporter, sharer of views about conditions and solutions, and admirer.


PS. Please click on the image to zoom in.

liked least  in Al Gore's  mind maps