
social, health, political imagery through the lens of G J Huba PhD © 2012-2021

The elephants are always in the room, in the form of the unusual constructs and ways to cope that people develop as their brains are altered through degeneration. Something for a caregiver or family member to recoil from and act shocked and broken-hearted? Not at all. Rejoice that people can live very well for a very long time as their brains rewire themselves and cope with the big elephants running around inside their heads. And that with needed support from family members, friends, healthcare professionals, and the community, the elephants won’t stampede and “normal” life can be approximated and enjoyed at least part of the time.

A MindModel (aka MindMap). Click the image to expand it.

The Elephants in the Brains of People with Dementia

Blue And White Super Girl - Two Thumbs Up2


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