
social, health, political imagery through the lens of G J Huba PhD © 2012-2021

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As neurodegenerative conditions progress, obviously behaviors and feelings and symptoms also undergo negative trajectories. Here are some things that are happening to me. While the issues grow over time I think that the visual thinking methods this blog presents do slow down the problems. 

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Neurodegenerative conditions progressing in typical ways can cause many different type of altered psychological functioning. Psychiatric medicines may help control some of the psychological conditions caused by brain disease or create additional psychological problems as side effects.

You need to discuss psychological problems that you experience every time you see any of your medical care providers.

Psychiatric drugs used for those with neurodegenerative disorders may be prescribed differently than they are for psychiatric patients without neurodegenerative conditions. Hence if you are being prescribed psychiatric medications for a neurological condition, try to see a healthcare provider who has been trained in both neurology and psychiatry.

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